Greetings people of Saint Francis,

We have gotten the approval from the bishop to begin to regather for in person worship. Our first service will be July 5th. Things will not look exactly as they did as we come back together but they will eventually return to normal at some point. What does this mean for now you ask? As we regather masks will be required for everyone attending service and social distancing will need to be maintained. In addition to that we will have music but are not allowed to sing yet. The Eucharist will be offered for those willing to take it in host form only. We will be using our prayer books for the service so if you have your own I encourage you to bring it. If you do not have a prayer book we will give you one that is to travel with you back and forth to service, at least for the time being. All handouts are likewise to travel home with you. Bathrooms will be open but for only one person at a time and you will be required to use disinfectant on all surfaces that you touch to protect the person coming in after you. We will also need volunteers to wipe down surfaces after the service. Coffee hour will be outside in the fresh air and there will be no food or drink served presently. As protocols are developed and refined this will be communicated to everyone at the announcements at the beginning of service.

What to consider when returning. First and foremost if you feel ill or off do not come to church. If you have a cough or headache don’t come to church. If you feel that you even remotely feel that you may be the slightest bit sick please don’t come to church. It is not that we don’t want to see you but we don’t want to potentially infect others. This applies even to me. Practice good hygiene, keep your hands washed and limit personal contact such as hugs and handshakes as much as possible. This also means at the peace which will be verbal only for now.

Looking forward to seeing you soon,

Father David